Pärnu Nüüdismuusika Päevad | Pärnu Contemporary Music Days 2014
Ajakava | Program
The Seventh International Conference
on Music Theory. Tallinn, Pärnu, Estonia, 8-11 January, 2014. Program and abstracts (.pdf)
Kolmapäev | Wednesday 8.1.2014
sümpoosion | symposium. Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia | Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (Rävala 16, Tallinn). The Seventh International Conference on Music Theory, Tallinn, Pärnu. Musical Form: Mapping the Territories
9.00 Coffee and registration
9.30 Opening
Rector of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre Prof. Peep Lassmann
Deputy Chief of Mission of the U.S. Embassy in Tallinn Mrs. Chever X. Voltmer
Vice Rector for Academic affairs and Research of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre Prof. Margus Pärtlas
10:00 Keynotes I & II. Chair: Margus Pärtlas
10.00 Keynote I. William Caplin (McGill University, Canada). Continuous Exposition' and the Concept of Subordinate Theme
11.00 Keynote II. James Hepokoski (Yale University, USA). Sonata Theory, Secondary Themes, and Continuous Expositions: Reply to William E. Caplin
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Schenker. Chair: Peter Smith
Frank Samarotto (Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University Bloomington, USA). The Urlinie, Melodic Energies, and the Dynamics of Inner Form
Jason Hooper (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA). Schenker’s Conception of Sonata Form before the Urlinie: History, Theory, and Aesthetics
14.00 Coffee
14.30 Formal functions. Chair: Lauri Suurpää
Brian Black (The University of Lethbridge, Canada). Formal Function Anomalies in Schubert’s Late Sonata Forms
Mark Richards (University of Lethbridge, Canada). Dissonant Fusions and the Loosening of Formal Functions in Classical Themes
15.30 Coffee
16.00 Sonata design reconsidered I. Chair: Stephen Slottow
Edward Jurkowski (University of Lethbridge, Canada). Are all these themes really necessary? A model to comprehend sonata designs with multiple subordinate themes
Timothy Jackson (University of North Texas, USA). The First Movements of Anton Eberl’s Symphony in E flat and Beethoven’s Eroica – Towards a “New” Sonata Form?
17.15 Sonata design reconsidered II. Chair: Poundie Burstein
Wayne Petty (University of Michigan, USA) Wilhelm Fischer and the ''Fortspinnung''-Based Sonata Exposition
Nathan Martin (University of Leuven, Belgium) Larsen's Legacy: The Three-Part Exposition and the New Formenlehre
18.30 Reception
Neljapäev | Thursday 9.1.2014
sümpoosion | symposium. Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia | Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (Rävala 16, Tallinn). The Seventh International Conference on Music Theory, Tallinn, Pärnu. Musical Form: Mapping the Territories
9.00 Coffee
9.30 Exploring 18th century I. Chair: Frank Samarotto
Tal Soker (Tel-Aviv University, Israel). Form and Content in Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach's Berlin Keyboard Concertos
Stephen Slottow (University of North Texas, USA). The Sequences in Mozart's Piano Sonata, K. 280|I: Types, Functions, and Dispositions
10.30 Coffee
11.00 Exploring 18th century II. Chair: Wayne Petty
Rowland Moseley (Harvard University, USA). Toward A Phrase Rhythm Model of Early Eighteenth-Century Binary Form
David Lodewyckx (University of Leuven, Belgium; Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, Switzerland). Marpurg's Galant Cadence: An Innovative Clarification of a Specific Cadential Scheme
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Beethoven. Chair: Nathan Martin
Lauri Suurpää (Sibelius Academy, Finland). Tonic and Dominant as Gravitational Centers in the First-Movement Exposition of Beethoven's Piano Sonata, Op. 110
Roberta Vidic (Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg, Germany). Beethoven´s E Minor Piano Sonata, Op. 90: A multi-player platform for ambiguity and subthematics in Germany and North America
14.00 Coffee
14.30 Koch’s legacy. Chair: Mark Richards
Poundie Burstein (City University of New York, USA). Expositional Journeys and Resting Points
Edward Klorman (The Juilliard School, New York, USA). Eighteenth-century Form Revisited: Reconciling Koch’s ''Anlage'', Sonata Theory’s Rotational Form, and Lester’s Parallel-section Construction
19.00 kontsert | concert. Pärnu Keskraamatukogu saal | Auditorium of Pärnu Central Library (Akadeemia 3, Pärnu).
Brahmavihara - four mental states by Christian M. Fischer. Mari Targo (viiul | violin), Helena Tuuling (klarnet | clarinet) and Christian M. Fischer (elektroonika | electronics). Tasuta
21.00 kontsert | concert. Endla teatri KÜÜN (Keskväljak 1, Pärnu).
Inimhääl ja elektroonika | Human voice and electronics. Kai Kallastu (sopran | soprano), Malle Maltis (elektroonika | electronics). Pääse 12 eurot
Reede | Friday 10.1.2014
sümpoosion | symposium. Pärnu Keskraamatukogu | Pärnu Central Library (Akadeemia 3, Pärnu). The Seventh International Conference on Music Theory, Tallinn, Pärnu. Musical Form: Mapping the Territories
9.15 Keynote III. Keynote chair: ?
Steven Vande Moortele (University of Toronto, Canada). Turning Inward - Turning Outward - Turning Around: Strong Subordinate Themes in Romantic Overtures
10.15 Towards renewal of tradition I. Chair: Robert Snarrenberg
Peter Smith (University of Notre-Dame, USA). Schumann's Continuous Expositions and the Classical Tradition
Mart Humal (Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Estonia). Chopin's Prelude in F sharp minor: Form, Harmony, and Counterpoint
11.15 Coffee
11.30 Towards renewal of tradition II. Chair: Edward Jurkowski
Cecilia Oinas (Sibelius Academy, Finland). The 'secondary parametres' and their role in musical shaping: examining formal boundaries of Mendelssohn's C minor Piano Trio from the performer’s point of view
Margus Pärtlas (Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Estonia) Reinventing a Tradition: The Subordinate Key Area in 19th-Century Concertos
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Form in Brahms. Chair: Jason Hooper
Robert Snarrenberg (Washington University in St. Louis, USA). Forms of Form in Songs by Brahms
Diego Cubero (Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University Bloomington, USA). In the Process of Dissolving: Examining the Interaction of Syntactic and Statistical Form in Brahms
14.30 Round-table MC, S theme, and continuous exposition.
William Caplin, Nathan Martin, James Hepokoski, Peter Smith, and Poundie Burstein.
16.00 Coffee
16.30 Transition to the 20th century. Chair: Charity Lofthouse
Ildar Khannanov (Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University, USA). Function and Deformation in Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Etudes-Tableaux op. 39, nos. 5 and 6
Michael Oravitz (University of Northern Colorado, USA). Meter-based Formal Cues in Selected Works of Debussy
Olli Väisälä (Sibelius Academy, Finland). Form, Structure, Sonorities, and Drama in Selected Piano Works by Debussy
18.00 Dinner
19.00 kontsert | concert. Pärnu Raekoja saal | Pärnu Town Hall (Nikolai 3, Pärnu).
Avatud vorm | Open form. Kavas | In program Boulez, Pärt, Koha, Maltis, Kancheli. Diana Liiv (klaver | piano). Tasuta
21.00 kontsert | concert. Endla teatri KÜÜN | Black box of Endla Theatre (Keskväljak 1, Pärnu).
Küberstuudio | Cyberstudio. Monika Mattiesen (flöödid | flutes), Leonora Palu (flöödid | flutes), Tammo Sumera (elektroonika | electronics). Kavas | In program Tulve, Siimer, Pärt, Kõlar, Kallastu, Remme. Pääse 12 eurot
Laupäev | Saturday 11.1.2014
sümpoosion | symposium. Pärnu Keskraamatukogu | Pärnu Central Library (Akadeemia 3, Pärnu). The Seventh International Conference on Music Theory, Tallinn, Pärnu. Musical Form: Mapping the Territories
9.00 Coffee
9.15 20th century classics. Chair: Joshua Mailman
Audra Versekenaite (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Lithuania). Multi-layered form in Charles Ives's Fourth Symphony
Charity Lofthouse (Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY, USA). Rotational Form, Sonata Hybridity, and Post-Tonal Boundary Sonorities in Shostakovich's Fourth Symphony
Walter Nery Filho (University of São Paulo, Brazil). The final form of The Little Cardboard Cat by Villa-Lobos as consequence of motivic transformations and manipulations of a Brazilian traditional song: a dialogic generative proccess
10.45 Coffee
11.00 Moving beyond tonality. Chair: Petter Stigar?
Michael Gardiner (University of Mississippi, USA). Boulez, Envelope-form, and Mahler: An Analysis of Der Abschied
Matthew Arndt (The University of Iowa School of Music). A Non-Tonal Problem in a Piece by Schoenberg
12.00 Lunch
13.00 New approaches. Chair: Olli Väisälä
Joshua Mailman (Columbia University / William Paterson University, USA) Assertive and Furtive Forms and Processes in Post-war Art Music Off-center
Klaas Coulembier (University of Leuven, Belgium) Multi-temporality: creating a meaningful territory in the rhizome of post-tonal music
Gerhard Lock, Kerri Kotta (Tallinn University, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre) Introduction of an automatized analysis method of musical tension as a response to musical form
14.30 Coffee
15.00 Tradition and modernity. Chair: Kerri Kotta
Petter Stigar (The Grieg Academy, University of Bergen, Norway). Emblems of Uncanniness. Trond Kverno Meets Richard Cohn – and Richard Wagner
Sona Andreasyan (Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory, Armenia). The Fourth Symphony by Arvo Pärt: Transformation of Genre
Aare Tool (Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Estonia) Eduard Oja's Piano Quintet: Two-Dimensional Form and Octatonicism
16.30 Coffee
17.00 Widening the repertoire. Chair: Matthew Arndt
Charris Efthimiou (University of Music and Performing Arts Graz). The development of the musical form of heavy-metal music
Ndubuisi Emmanuel Nnamani (University of Cambridge, UK). “IGEDE-BELL” as a Catalyst for Structural Coherence – A Study of Tonal-Rhythmic Patterning and Structural Territorialization in Okechukwu Ndubuisi’s Piano Style
18.00 Dinner
19.00 kontsert | concert. Pärnu Vanalinna põhikooli saal | Hall of Pärnu Old Town Elementary School (Nikolai 26, Pärnu).
Eksperimentaalsed muusikainstrumendid | Experimental musical instruments. Eesti Kunstiakadeemia üliõpilased | Students of Estonian Academy of Arts. Tasuta
21.00 performance. Tervise Paradiisi veekeskus | Water Park of Tervise Paradiis (Side 14). Vee kolm olekut | Three states of water. Postinstrumentum. Pääse 12 eurot
Pühapäev | Sunday 12.1.2014
11.00 arutelu | discussion. Hotell Victoria.
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