Bartosz Koziak, tšello (*1980) on võitnud Witold Lutoslawski
nimelise Kolmanda rahvusvahelise tšellokonkursi (Varssavi 2001), pälvinud
eripreemia Tšaikovski konkursil Moskvas Iannis Xenakise teose “Kottos”
esituse eest ning ARD preemia Münchenis.
Esinenud paljudes tuntud kontserdisaalides:
Berliini Kontserdimaja, Cité de la Musique saal Pariisis, Teatro Politeama
Palermos, Witold Lutoslawski nimeline stuudio Poola Rahvusfilharmoonias
Varssavis. Esinenud orkestrite solistina: NOSPR, Rahvuslik Filharmoonia,
Sinfonia Varsovia, Sinfonietta Cracovia, Sinfonica Siciliana ning
raadioorkestrid Varssavis ja Budapestis, dirigentideks Krzysztof Penderecki,
Jan Krenz, Antoni Wit, Gabriel Chmura ja Massimiliano Caldi. Festivalide,
nagu “Varssavi sügis”, “Mecklemburg Vorpommen” ja “Young Euro Classic”
Berliinis regulaarne külaline. Salvestanud
Poola Raadiole.
Lõpetanud kiitusega
Fryderyk Chopini nimelise Muusikaakadeemia Varssavis professor Kazimierz
Michalik’i ja Andrzej Bauer’i klassis ja Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique Pariisis
Philippe Muller’i klassis.
Osalenud paljudes Krzysztof Penderecki’i
projektides, millest olulisem helilooja dirigeeritud “Concerto grosso”
Mängib Wojciech Topa instrumendil aastast 2004.
Andrus Kallastu
(*1967) on Soomes elav eesti helilooja. Kallastu loomingu võib jagada kahte
perioodi, enne ja pärast aastat 1991. Esimese perioodi loomingut iseloomustab
vaba atonaalne helikeel, motoorne, tihti ostinaatne rütmika,
neoklassitsistlik kõlakäsitlus. Teise perioodi teoseid seriaalne tekstuur,
väljatehnika, mittepulseeriv rütmika, muusikalise heli ning müra piire kompav
kõla. Täiendav info:
Bartosz Koziak, cellist (b.1980) is the winner of
the first prize at the 3rd Witold Lutosławski International Cello
Competition in Warsaw in 2001 and of
special awards at the Tchaikovsky Competitions in Moscow (for his performance
of “Kottos” by Iannis Xenakis) and the ARD in Munich.
Performed in many renowned concert halls,
including: the Konzerthaus in Berlin, the Cité de la Musique in Paris, the Teatro
Politeama in Palermo, the Witold Lutosławski Studio and the National
Philharmonic in Warsaw. As a soloist he performed with such orchestras as:
the NOSPR, the National Philharmonic, Sinfonia Varsovia, Sinfonietta
Cracovia, the Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana, and radio orchestras in Warsaw
and Budapest conducted by Krzysztof Penderecki, Jan Krenz, Antoni Wit,
Gabriel Chmura and Massimiliano Caldi. He is regularly invited to such famous
festivals as: “Warsaw Autumn”, “Mecklemburg Vorpommen”, and “Young Euro
Classic” in Berlin. He also makes recordings for the Polish Radio.
Graduated with honours from the Fryderyk Chopin
Academy of Music in Warsaw in Professor Kazimierz Michalik and Andrzej
Bauer’s class and from the Conservatoire
National Superieur de Musique de Paris in Philippe Muller’s class.
For the past several years he has been invited to
participate in Krzysztof Penderecki’s concert projects. He took part in the
first recording of “Concerto grosso” conducted by the Composer.
Plays on Wojciech Topa’s instrument from 2004.
Andrus Kallastu
(*1967) is an estonian composer's living in Finland. Work of Kallastu can
divide into two periods, before and after 1991. The first period
characterized free atonal style, motored, often ostinate rhytmics,
neoclassical treatment of sound; works of second period serial texture, field
technics, nonpulsative rhytmic, a boundarys of musical sonority and noise
touched sound. Additional information: