Missing in Action, I – V, ink print on paper, 2008

Hanno Soans, Jasper Zoova, Kiwa, Andres Lõo, Martin Pedanik

Endla teatri koridor / Endla Theatre lobby (Keskväljak 1)

12.12.2007 - 27.01.2008

Avamine / Opening 12.12.2007 14.00

Võimalik on väide, et omandatud erioskusi saab kasutada kuritegelikel eesmärkidel, kuid ausaid kodanikke on absoluutne enamus ja kui realiseerub enesekaitse üldrahvaliku õpetamise programm, kujuneb juba teadmine enamike kodanike praktilisest löögijõust profülaktiliseks abinõuks kuritegevuse tõkestamisel.

Autor (Stiilne viisnurk)

It is possible to declare, that obtained special skills could be used for criminal purpouses, but obiding citizens are the absolute majority and should the program of total national self defence be realised, there is going to be the knowledge of the majority's actual impetus as a prophylactical measure to taccle criminal action.

The Author (Stylish Pentagram)

Hanno Soans, June 20th 1997 – April 26th 2007, on the way to Kassel, Laying Flat on Kant´s Grave, black & white mnemography, 2008

There is a well-known anecdote about Picasso during the World War II: a German officer visited his studio, saw Guernica and, schocked at the modernist confusion of the painting, asked him: Did you do this?” Picasso calmly replied: „No, You did this!” Today many Liberals, when faced with violent outbursts, like the looting in Paris suburbs, ask us, the few remaining Leftists, who still count on radical social transformation: „Did you not do it? Is this what you want?” And we should reply like Picasso: „No, you did this! This is the true result of your politics!”

Slavoij Žižek (2007)





Pärnu Nüüdismuusika Päevad + In Graafika 2008
Pärnuer Tage für zeitgenössische Musik + Printmaking In 2008
Pärnu Days of Contemporary Music + Printmaking In 2008

12.–27. Jaanuar 2008 / 12.–27. Januar / January 12–27, 2008

Kakskümmend aastat Pärnu Nüüdismuusika Päevi
Zwanzig Jahre Pärnuer Tage für zeitgenössische Musik
Twenty years from the beginning of Pärnu Days of Contemporary Music




NÄITUSED/ exhibitions






nongrataEesti Arnold Shönbergi Ühing