Graphics festival "Pärnu Printmaking IN " celebrates its 11.- th birthday in year 2007.
Reiu Tüür got the idea for this kind of festival on the second half of the 1990s - the goal was to introduce the newest explorations of printmaking in so called peripheria- Pärnu because this certain field of fine arts is directly connected to technical base that was then concidered to only exist in the capital of Estonia- Tallinn. At the same time to hype graphic art, that in modern art context was seemingly OUT or in peripheria.(thats why the name Printmaking IN)
For now the situation is changed : the possibilities of printmaking are several in alternative art academy ACADEMIA NON GRATA (Silk print, ofort, dry-point), not to mention the Estonian Litography Center that`s also in Pärnu. During several years this festival has proven that the lack of proffesional print making aquipment is not the biggest obstickle in making prints. There has been BODY-PRINTING, BAKING-PRINTS, SUITCASE-PRINTING etc.. The whole 2005 years festival was dedicated to self made experimental printmaking machines, year 2006 held experiments from xerox printing to branding bodies. These kind of activities have transformed this kind of traditional and somewhat boring artform into parade of experiments and creativity,where art reaches hand out to itself over its different forms and where apart form meetings of different generations, graphic schools and technics meet all forms of modern art- performance, sculpture, painting, audiovisual art, foto and digital art. The ancient headlines of printmaking – the line and reproducing – are actual in all other forms of art and afford to speak through the creativity not only to the line making and printing fanatics, but to everybody who are interested in the visual outputs of the world.
THIS YEARS FESTIVAL CONCENTRATES TO THE MEDIUM OF POSTER. Its the graphic arts sub gender, which message shouldnt definately confuse its recipients. At the same time the poster has played an important rolle in development of fine arts, for example in Russian avant-garde and in 1970-80 in the East Block. So in situations where so called fine arts have been controlled by the government the creativity of artists have transformed into fields that in other times are marginal in artists circle.
The poster is a field of art that has the most direct influence to the crowds that dont go to the art shows or exhibitions.
At the same time the poster is one of ethicaly most provocatve part of visual culture, because it is always in cervice of someones interests. Actually in modern days the (advertisement) poster has left behind the monumental art by influenting the living-environment without asking permission from its enhabitants. Obviously the K- Kohuke scandal during previous Estonian elections the biggest art- happening.
SO in conclusion, the poster contains many artistic, ideological and cognitive problems and that has inspired us to dedicate Pärnu Printmaking In festival 2007 to the POSTER.
Endla Theater`s bar and halls- BRITISH ROCK ARTISTS GROUP
British Rock Artists Group (BRAG) comprises of highly motivated and creative professional
artists that have created a collective that is growing by the day. We all have a common
interest in music and art and the passion to resurrect the silkscreen tradition for poster
Art in Brighton, the South East and beyond.
ANONYMUS BOH- "Street poster 06"
Street posters from the cities of the world: London, New York, Montreal,Berlin, Paris.. etc. Street poster in its original state, torn down from metropols, soked in clistire and marking the geographic trips of Anonymus Boh in the fall of 2006. Latinos, afros , subcultures, advertisements, music, hip- hop, boxers, artists, dalai lamas, historical dramas, film, rock , comedy - all these in giant forms..
Ilya Trushevsky presents: Soviet Safety Technics posters.
раскрывает практические основы и сведения по безопасности в общем - личная и корпоративная, информационная, экономическая и ...
Endla theater gallery- Estonian Litographic Center presents: 1920-30.litographic poster .
Pärnu_concerthouse and City gallery- Martin Pedanik`s curator project Estonian modern poster.
Matti Milius presents: "Soviet Latvian avant-garde poster. Ilmars Blumbergs."
Mari Kartau presents: Soviet Estonian poster
Kim Huynsook (korea)presents: Asian polilitical posters .
Guido Casanova Solar Malinowski (chile) presents: "Eleccion presidencial"
Non Grata presents: International Performance poster.
SP 38 presents: French modern underground poster "Every 1 is a terrorist"
Kenneth Goldsmith (New York, USA): “Street Poets & Visionaries”
Cooperation with Oliver Kamm Gallery, New York
Oliver Kamm/5BE Gallery is pleased to announce STREET POETS & VISIONARIES: SELECTIONS FROM THE UBUWEB COLLECTION, an exhibition of posters and ephemeral writings from the streets of New York City.
In the tradition of Jim Shaw's "Thrift Shop Paintings," this collection of street posters, mad scribblings, political screeds, religious rants, and paranoid raves expands our notion of the Outsider arts to include the written word.
Formally striking, emotionally charged, and bizarre beyond belief, these graphical works dovetail with the historic traditions of concrete poetry and art brut. Seamlessly melding text and image, their obsessive quality evokes Adolf Wölfli and Henry Darger's visionary works.
Featured in the exhibition will be the work of David Daniels, a 73 year-old Bay Area artist, who has been creating insanely complex visual poems using only Microsoft Word. Works from two of his epic series, "The Gates of Paradise" and "Years" will be featured.
Coinciding with the exhibition will be three public events. On Saturday, September 23rd at 2 p.m., author Irwin Chusid will deliver a lecture on Outsider Music called, "Songs in the Key of Z." On Saturday, September 30th, renowned poets and performers Eileen Myles, Edwin Torres, Vijay Seshadri, Kenneth Goldsmith and Shelley Hirsch will stage a reading of Outsider writings. On Saturday, October 7th, a panel, "Outside In" will explore the transmigration of Outsider aesthetics and practices influencing and entering into the mainstream. Panelists include Wayne Koestenbaum, Alissa Quart and David Grubbs. All events are free and open to the public.
UbuWeb ( is the Internet's largest resource dedicated to all strains of the avant-garde, ethnopoetics, and outsider arts, featuring thousands of MP3s, films, books, scholarly papers, and poems.
Pärnu Nüüdismuusika päevade & In Graafika 2006 co-exhibition:
Rodrig Kokla & Mauricio Kagel “Staatstheater” requisites
“Lets do the Staats Theater ”
Eesmärk on kombata mõiste performance piire Mauricio Kageli (*1931)
lavalise kompositsiooni “Staatstheater” (Riigiteater, 1971) põhjal.
Kaunite kunstide sfääris on ingliskeelne sõna performance (täitmine,
teostus, talitus, toiming, sooritus, tegu, saavutus, ettekanne,
esitus, etendus, esinemine, osatäitmine. Silvet 1990) kasutusel
nii muusika esituse, teatrietenduse kui ka kujutava kunsti performance’na.
Võimalikest erinevatest esteetilistest, eetilistest, kontseptuaalsetest
ja tehnilistest taustadest hoolimata ühendab sõna performance kõigis
neis valdkondades aja dimensioon. See, kuidas ajaväline substants:
noodimärk, sõna, visuaalne objekt transformeerub ajalise protsessi koostisosaks.
VILLE KAREL GHETTO SPACE- grand opening of alternative art gallery and presentation of F.L.Ü. Catalogue "KOSMOS KOHISEB"
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